A brief history of the Microscope:

These are special scientific instruments that are used to produce enlarged images of very small objects, which are otherwise impossible to see from the naked eye. They have allowed scientists and especially biologists to get a clear view of minute details and structures which helps them to examine and analyze various things. The first compound microscope was invented by Dutch spectacle-makers Zacharias and Hans Jansen in 1590, who were a team of father and son. With the passage of time, their construction became more complex and so did the magnification and resolution power.


They are usually made up of a combination of complex parts, however, their most important part is the different lenses, that are housed inside a tunnel-shaped construction. With the help of these lenses, the image of an object (which is placed on a slit below them) can be magnified, which helps in the observation of the minute details. Basically, when a light being reflected off an object passes through the microscope, it is manipulated using a convex lens, which bends the light towards the eye. This makes the object look bigger than it is. There is an objective lens as well, and this is the lens closer to the object. Then there is the eyepiece lens which helps the viewer to look at the enlarged image. Usually, the magnification power can vary depending on the specific type being used.


In the market, different types of microscopes are offered for different purposes, every type provides a unique resolution and a unique magnification and there are also different microscope price ranges as well. 

  1. Simple Microscope

They have a magnification power between 200 and 300 times. They were the earliest instruments produced for the analysis of very small details. They are unfortunately not widely used today as they are now replaced by the more powerful versions. However, it should be kept in mind that at the time of their invention, they were considered to be quite powerful, so much so that they gave a detailed analysis of red blood cells. Today, the starting microscope prices for this type is around $50-$100, depending on the brand and quality you choose. However, the microscope prices of antique or vintage ones can be quite a lot as well.


  1. Compound Microscope

They generally come with two or more lenses, which is why they offer better magnification. In these microscopes, the specimen (or the object under observation) is lit from underneath, as this method provides an abundance of light thereby producing a detailed image. They have a magnification of around 1,000 times (or more), which is considered to be high, although the resolution is low. The high magnification helps people to see very minute details that are otherwise impossible to notice from the naked eye. Compound microscope prices are not very high as they are generally mass-produced and commonly used. The microscope price in UAE starts at around $100 and can go as high as $500, depending on quality and brand.


  1. Electron Microscopes:

This type uses electrons to create a detailed image of the object under observation. Because electrons behave like light, they have a very high magnification power. Electron microscope prices can be very expensive as well.

They are generally used in big laboratories, where scientists have to make critical observations. They are generally divided into two types, which are:

  1. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

This type uses electrons rather than light. The electrons interact with the material under observation, which further triggers the emission of secondary electrons, which are then captured by a detector. This helps to form an image. .In SEM, vacuum or near-vacuum conditions are used for sample scanning. They are capable of producing 3D images on a computer screen. Scanning electron microscope price in UAE can be as much as $1 million


    1. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

This type works by hitting a beam of electrons on a very thin sample. The electrons are transmitted through the sample which then forms an image. They can produce 2-D views of specimens, unlike the 3D views created by SEM, so it's more suited for viewing objects with some degree of transparency. Transmission electron microscope price in UAE can be as much as $100,000


Looking to buy a microscope?

If you are looking to buy your own microscope, select from a range of great microscopes. The microscope prices provided by Elizit are guaranteed to be reasonable.


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