A brief history of the Microscope: These are special scientific instruments that are used to produce enlarged images of very small objects, which are otherwise impossible to see from the naked eye. They have allowed scientists and especially biologists to get a clear view of minute details and structures which helps them to examine and analyze various things. The first compound microscope was invented by Dutch spectacle-makers Zacharias and Hans Jansen in 1590, who were a team of father and son. With the passage of time, their construction became more complex and so did the magnification and resolution power. Working: They are usually made up of a combination of complex parts, however, their most important part is the different lenses, that are housed inside a tunnel-shaped construction. With the help of these lenses, the image of an object (which is placed on a slit below them) can be magnified, which helps in the observation of the minute details. Basically, when a light being ...